Mini Lop Color Guide
Here you will find all Mini Lop colors described per the standard as well as photos of newborn kits up to mature seniors. This is an ongoing work in progress, please be paitient. If you have a photo you would like to submit for this page, feel free to email me at
Click on any album to enlarge & read details!
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, BEW (Blue Eyed White) & REW (Ruby Eyed White)
Color is to be a rich lustrious black, running deep down the hair shaft to a slate blue undercolor.
Eyes: Brown.
 GML Raven Whispers |
 Smokey's Vortex |
Color is to be a rich dark shade of blue, running deep down the hair shaft to a lighter blue undercolor.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 4 Weeks old |
 9 Weeks Old |
 GML Windigo |
 GML Dream A Lil Dream |
 GML AstrydBroken Blue |
Color is to be a rich dark chocolate, running down the hair shaft to a dove gray undercolor
Eyes: Brown
 8-9 Weeks Old |
 Kassie's GML Ares |
 GML SS BrooklynBroken Variety |
Color is to be a uniform medium dove gray with a delicate pink tint on the surface. Color is to be carried down the hair shaft to the skin.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 3 Weeks old |
 8-9 weeks old |
 GML Calypso |
 Broken Variety |
Ruby Eyed White
Color is to be pure white and uniform throughout
Eyes: Pink
 3 weeks old |
 5 Weeks old |
 GML Ride The Lightning |
 Rainy Day's Aphrodite |
 GML Ride The Lightning |
Blue Eyed White
Color is to be pure white and uniform throughout
Eyes: Blue
 Looking for BEW photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of BEW. Email to |
Frosted Pearl, Sable, Sable Point, Seal, Smoke Pearl, Tortoise
Frosted Pearl
(Black, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Shading Color)
Color is to be a light peral, carried to the skin, and shaded with a delicate tint of the appropriate shading color. Color is to be evenly distributed over the entire body, except for the belly, which shall be peral. Slightly darker tint of the points is permissible. Color is to carry enough tint so as to appear frosty.
Eyes: Brown or Blue-Gray (as according to self base color as listed above)
Black Frosted Pearl
 Need Photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Black Frosted Pearl. Email to |
Blue Frosted Pearl
 Send in Your PhotosLooking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Blue Frosted Pearl. Email to |
Chocolate Frosted Pearl
Lilac Frosted Pearl
 Need Photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Chocolate Frosted Pearl. Email to |
 Pictures Needed!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac Frosted Pearl. Email to |
Color is to be a dark sepia brown on the head, ears, feet, legs back, and tail. Color is to shade to a lighter brown color on the flanks, underside of the tail and the belly. Dark face color is to shade off from the eyes to the jaws and blend with the chest and flanks. The darker color on the back is to extend from the head to the tail, with the chest color to match the flank surface color as closely as possible. All blending of color is to be gradual in both dark and paler colors.
Eyes: Brown
Sable Point
Color is to be a rich sepia brown on the nose, ears, feet, legs and tail. Marking color is to shade raidly to a rich cream body color. The entire body is to be a creamy color, with white under color. Some slightly darker shading is permissible on the saddle, but highly undesirable. body surface color is to be lighter than the point color to give the proper contrast
Eyes: Brown
Color is to be a rich dark sepia (almost black) saddle, shading to a slightly paler flanks, chest and belly. Color is to go well down the hair shaft, with undercolor to match shadings throughout. Saddle is to extend from the nape of the neck to the tail.
Eyes: Brown
 R-Zoo's Thumper |
 Eyes: Brown |
 GML I Am Legend |
 GML/Valadez's LuciferBroken Variety |
 GML/Valadez's LucindaBroken Variety |
 Sierra's/GML AbracadabraBroken Variety |
Smoke Pearl
Head, ears, tail, feet, legs and saddle are to be a smoke color, shading to a pearl gray on the chest, flanks, and belly. Surface color is to carry well down to the hair shaft. Upper side of the tail is to match saddle color. underside of the tail is to match belly color.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 GML Perfect Storm |
 GML Perfect Storm |
 Broken Variety |
(Black, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Shading Color)
Black and Chocolate color is to have a clean bright orange on the saddle. Blue and Lilac color is to have a fawn on the saddle with all varities blending into a shading of darker color over the lower rump and launches. The top color is to carry down and blend into a dark cream undercolor next to the skin. Top of the tail is to match body color. Underside of the tail is to match shadings as near as possible. Shading on the head is darkest at the whiskerbed, blending into a lighter shade along the jaw line, and darkening again at the ear base, blending up the ears to match body color.
Eyes: Black and Chocolate: Brown; Blue and Lilac: Blue-Gray
Black Tortoise
Blue Tortoise
Chocolate Tortoise
Lilac Tortoise
 coming+soon.jpg.png |
 coming+soon.jpg.png |
 DSCN1485.JPG |
 DSCN1486.JPG |
 DSCN1487.JPG |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac Tortoise. Email to |
Chinchilla, Chestnut, Lynx, Opal
(Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Sable or Smoked Pearl Base Colors)
A sparkling blend of the basic color and peral. The undercolor is to match the basic color at the base of the hair shaft. Intermediate band is to be peral to off white. (Base color to be definitely wider than intermediate portion.) The upper portion is to be a very narrow band of basic coloration, above this, a very light band, brightly ticked with guard hairs of the basic coloration. Ticking may be wavy or even. Neck fur is lighter in color than the body, but strictly confied to the nape. Chest is to be lightly ticked with a uniform shade of pearl, lightly lighter than the body. The body color is to extend as far down the sides as possible. Belly color, next to skin, may be a white or carry the basic coloration. Surface color is to be white. Eye circles are to be well defined, narrow, and light pearl in color. Ears are to be laced with basic color. Underside of the tail is to be white, with top of the tail matching body color.
Eyes: Blue Gray or Brown.
Black Chinchilla
 4 weeks Old |
Lilac Chinchilla
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac Chinchilla. Email to |
Blue Chinchilla
 4 Weeks Old |
 Velotta's Wyatt Earp |
 Velotta's Wyatt EarpFace, showing eye circles and shading around nostrils and under chin. |
 GML Whiskey A Go GoBroken Variety |
Sable Chinchilla
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Sable Chinchilla. Email to |
Chocolate Chinchilla
 coming+soon.jpg.png |
Smoked Pearl Chinchilla
 coming+soon.jpg.png |
(Black or Chocolate Base Colors)
Body and top of the tail are to be a rich chestnut shade, with ticking and ear lacing of the basic color. Intermediate color is to be orange with undercolor to match the basic color. Eye circles, under side of tail and belly are to be white. Belly may or may not show an undercolor of basic color.
Eyes: Brown.
Black Chestnut
 4-5 Weeks old |
 4-5 Weeks Old |
Body and top of tail are to be an evenly tipped lilac and fawn. Fawn color is to show through the lilac tipping. Intermediate color is to be fawn over a clearly defined white undercolor. The underside of the tail, belly, eye circles, jowls and inside of the ears are to be white.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lynx. Email to |
Chocolate Chestnut
 Sr. Chocolate Chestnut |
Body and top of the tail color are to be a pale shade of blue. Intermediate color is to be a fawn band over a slate undercolor. underside of the tail is to be white. Belly is to be white or creamy tan over a blue undercolor
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 GML NosferatuShowing color behind the crown, and ticking throughout body. |
 GML Nosferatu |
ANY recognized breed color in conjunction with white and carrying the breed pattern. Body pattern may be spotted, patches or blanket. head markings are to show color on both ears, both eye circles, and on the nose.
Eyes: as required by color.
Facial Markings
 GML Shock Therapy |
 GML Butterfly Effect |
 Sierra's/GML Abracadabra |
 Black Wolf's Monroe |
 4 Weeks Old |
 GML Astryd |
 GML Nelly |
 Sweetbriar's Sundog |
 Sweetbriar's Sundog |
 GML Whiskey A Go Go |
 GML Butterfly Effect |
 GML Shock Therapy |
 Sierra's/GML Abracadbra |
Lack of 10% body color or lack of any of the above facial markings as described above will be a disqualification from a show, per judges descretion.
 No nose markings (butterfly)Less than 10% Color |
Tri colored group is to consist of the following colors in conjunction with white: Dense Black and golden Orange, Lavender Blue and Golden Fawn. Dark Chocolate and Golden Orange or Lilac and Golden Fawn. Colors are to be evenly distributed
Eyes: as required by self color.
Black & Orange
Blue & Fawn
Chocolate & Orange
Lilac & Fawn
 3 weeks old |
 Sweetbriar's Sundog |
 Sweetbriar's Sundog |
 about 3 Days OldSelf colored spots are noticable at birth. About 3-4 days later the orange or fawn becomes present. |
 GML Napoleon |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Chocolate & Orange. Email to |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac and Fawn Tri color. Email to |
Pointed White
Color is to be a white body, with points (nose, ears, feet, legs and tail) of black, blue, chocolate or lilac)
Eyes: Pink
Black Pointed White
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Black Pointed White. Email to |
Blue Pointed White
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of BluePointed White. Email to |
Chocolate Pointed White
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Chocolate Pointed White. Email to |
Lilac Pointed White
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of LIlac Pointed White. Email to |
Ticked animals are to have guard hairs throughout the coat, either solid or tipped, with a color distinct from the undercolor or surface color.
Silver/Silver Fox & Steel
Silver/Silver Fox
Body and top of tail are to be an evenly tipped lilac and fawn. Fawn color is to show through the lilac tipping. Intermediate color is to be fawn over a clearly defined white undercolor. The underside of the tail, belly, eye circles, jowls and inside of the ears are to be white.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Silver/Silver Fox mini Lops. Email to |
(Gold or Silver Tipping) (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Sable or Smoked Pearl Base Color)
The entire body is to be of the basic color description, with color running as deep as possible. Coat is to be interspersed with a moderate amount of either gold or silver tipping, as is appropriate for the variety. The ticking is to form a uniform steel color over the entire body without intermediate gold or silver banding. underside of the tail and belly are to match body color as closely as possible, but lighter color is permissible..
Eyes: Per Self base Color..
Black Gold Tip Steel
Blue Gold Tipped Steel
Chocolate Gold Tipped Steel
Lilac Gold Tipped Steel
 4 Weeks Old |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Blue Gold tipped Steel. Email to |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Chocolate Gold Tipped Steel. Email to |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac Gold Tipped Steel. Email to |
Sable Gold Tipped Steel
Black Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Black Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Sable Gold Tipped Steel. Email to |
Blue Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Blue Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
Smoked Pearl Gold Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Smoked Pearl Gold tipped Steel. Email to |
Chocolate Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Chocolate Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
Lilac Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of LIlac Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
Sable Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Sable Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
Smoked Pearl Silver Tipped Steel
 Add your photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Smoked pearl Silver Tipped Steel. Email to |
Wide Band
Wide Band animals show the same basic coloration over the body, head, ears, tail, and feet. They may show a lighter coloration on eye circles, inside of ears, underside of tail, jowls, and belly areas.
Cream, Fawn, Orange & Red
Color on the body, head, ears, feet and top of the tail is to be a creamy beige, carried well down toward the skin. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowls, underside of tail, and belly are to be white
Eyes: Blue-Gray
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Cream mini Lops. Email to |
Color is to be a rich golden color on the saddle running down the flanks. Color is to run well down the hair shaft to a near white undercolor. Chest Color is to match the flank color. head and top of tail are to be fawn. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowls, underside of tail and belly are to be white.
Eyes: Brown
 3 Weeks Old |
Color is to be a bright orange color on the saddle running down the flanks. Color is to run well down the hair shaft to a near white under color. Chest color is to match the flank color. head and top of tail are to be bright orange. Eye Circles, inside of ears, underside of jowls and tail and belly are to be white.
Eyes: Brown
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Orange mini Lops. Email to |
Color is to be a bright reddish correl, but not so dark as to reach a mahogany red. Color shall carry as deep down the hair shaft as possible. The belly color may be somewhat lighter in shade, approaching a deep creamy cast. White on the underside of the tail is permitted
Eyes: Brown
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Red mini Lops. Email to |
The following colors are NOT recongized in the Mini Lop Breed.
Japenese (Black, Blue, Lilac), Magpie (Black, Blue & Lilac), Harlequinized Chestnut
Black Japanese
 4 Weeks old |
Black Magpie
 2 Weeks Old |
 9 Weeks old |
Harlequinized Chestnut
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Harlequinized Chestnut e mini Lops. Email to |
Blue Japanese
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Blue Japanese mini Lops. Email to |
Lilac Japanese
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac Japanese mini Lops. Email to |
Blue Magpie
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Blue Magpie mini Lops. Email to |
Lilac Magpie
 Looking for photos!Looking to add photos of: Newborn, older jrs, srs, close up of eye, head & body shot of Lilac magpie mini Lops. Email to |
More Colors are coming!
If you have a photo(s) of an non-recongized Mini Lop and would like to share it here, please email it to:
Please include: Name of rabbit (if available, Your name and/or rabbitry, and a link to your site if you choose.
All photos will be credited to those who provide the information to do so. All links provided will be available on photos, as well as on our links page under breeders.